Easy News - Jan/2017

Easy News - Jan/2017

Dear Sirs:

Looking for the permanent evolution of the service, EASY INVENTORY would like to communicate the new functionalities:

Performance Analysis:

It will now be possible to know the CPU utilization and the memory of ALL equipments, in order to identify the machines that are with critical performance because the slow equipment means low productivity and, consequently, damages to the companies.

Identification of the processes that most demand resources:

Knowing critical machines is important, but the most important is to know the "cause" of criticality. That's why Easy Inventory will show you which processes are most consuming the CPU and memory resources of each equipment, providing an efficient management of your park.

Capacity Planning:

With this information it will be possible to do also the Capacity Planning , that is, it will be designed the CPU, memory and disk utilization trends of ALL the equipment, for a PROACTIVE action that avoids possible downtime or slowness of the equipments.

Use of software:

The value of software licenses is something that has impact in the business budget. For this reason, Easy Inventory will identify installed and unused software, so that many can be uninstalled or re-directed to whoever actually needs it. This generates savings and optimization in the use of licenses, besides being practically impossible to be done manually.

File upload:

Throughout the life of an asset, many documents are present. From now on, it will be possible to attach any PDF file linked to any asset controlled by Easy Inventory. Such as: Invoice of purchase and sale, term of acceptance or responsibility, contracts, documents of any maintenance, Event report, etc. It will also be possible to upload images (photos) in JPG format, thus complementing all the necessary data for a complete historical record.

Soon the agents will be available for Android and Mac and the option in the Spanish language portal, and today we offer the English.